Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Keep an Eye out for

Meeta's blog is on my list of daily sites to visit. In fact, she has different blogs she maintains and to which she contributes: books and movies, random musings, and Ek Cup Coffee. Sib and I also contribute to Ek Cup Coffee. We're hoping the other bitches and ladies who're coffee regulars at Cup-A-Joe will start contributing soon. There's also the proposal to record our disjointed and heated conversations on everything that moves or doesn't. Don't really know if that will do the rest of y'all a world of good. But then none of us really claim to be "do-gooders".

By the way, if you don't like regular coffee, and believe in sissy Mochas and Lattes, you're are not invited.

1 comment:

Venky said...

Hey! what about us mere mortals who prefer chai?
