Friday, June 30, 2006

More on Shamu!

Earlier, in this post about Shamu, I mentioned how it irritates me that the Sea World people are scamming us all by calling all their whales Shamu - as if we dumb people wouldn't realize that they're all not the same freakin' animal.

Alternately though, there are other perspectives on Shamu. For instance, here's an article titled "What Shamu Taught Me About a Happy Marriage" by Amy Sutherland about how our beloved Sea World scamster helped her manage her partner better. This is a good read for the ladies (insight into ways in which you could tame that gorilla who lives and sleeps with you), and also for the men (insight into how "that gentle thang" will find some way to get you to always jump thru' hoops while you're thinking you're really showing her who's boss!).

It's funny and yet - quite scary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Theres even a specific paragraph in which one sentence is about baboons, the next about American husbands.

Phrases like "try this on Scott"
"when my training attempts failed" abundant.

And one more weird thing: When she told him the truth, "He wasn't offended, just amused."

Match made in heaven, methinks.

- Aparna