Monday, April 24, 2006


Old habits die hard. Phone's ringing. It's the middle of the afternoon. The blinds reluctantly filter the sunlight into my room. They're on my side - the blinds I mean. I don't really want the sun in. I am still lying on my bed. And the phone's ringing. And then it stops.

It's back to the silence that probably preceded the phone call. Except, now I am awake once again. Since drifting off to sleep the last time the ringer went off. Then and now, just rode out the ringing without really doing anything. Several moments later, I finally turn to my side and pick up the mobile phone. Check caller ID.

F*&k! Should've taken this call. But, now's not the time to return the call and chat.

No. Not now. Now's not that time. Now's the time to wallow in listlessness; in the feeling that the sh*t's coming down hard all around me, but I am loath to respond to the situation.

Not that it's raining down that hard 'round me - the sh*t I mean. A little too opera-like that description - it's probably a good deal measure off the mark anyways. Whatever. (These are dark times indeed!) I stumble out of bed and a few necessary tasks later during which time quietly transpires itself by - walk the 10 minutes it takes me to get to the place I work at. Since I didn't specify if I walk those 10 minutes that it usually takes me to get to work - to actually walk to work or walk to somewhere else - I should tell you that thats what I do. That is - I walk those 10 minutes it takes me to get to work - to actually walk and get to work.

Once in the building, I try and avoid contact with people for the most part.


MYV said...

haha seems like you are suffering from what I used to suffer from :).

Anonymous said...

Next time pick up the phone, dammit.

Sarat said...

Raoul - heh heh!