Friday, April 14, 2006

Khan Kan't or Kan He?

Well, it's happened. Salman (Nanga) Khan has been granted bail in a poaching case for which he had been earlier sentenced to 5 years in jail. Not that I am greatly surprised or something.

I did read about the Bishnoi tribe in Rajasthan, their vegetarianism, and their reverence of all nature (plant and animal life included - not just the usual lip service we pay to humanity and human rights). There are several sources available on the net about that. Here's this one for instance, relating a chilling incident in which hundreds of Bishnois, starting with Amrita Devi, laid down their lives protecting the trees in their vicinity. The Bishnoi lands are now off limits to hunters and the Black Buck, an animal held in great regard by the Bishnois, are protected species.
Salman Khan went to jail for killing a few of the same Black Buck (picture of one shown alongside). He killed a few deer in about 2 or 3 separate incidents spread over a week. There are several varying accounts of his hunting trips. But there is no denying that he did commit those acts.

Now that he's out on bail, he, his supporters and the legions of fans propping him will of course rejoice. But what about the Bishnois? How are they going to feel? Salman Khan and his entrouge came, shot and brutally killed their precious animals. He brutally violated their principles and their beliefs. If I was a Bishnoi, damn right I'd be pissed off as hell.

I don't know Salman, but its obvious from his actions in this case - this man considers himself far above the law that ordinary citizens have to obey. Of course, in many ways he is. As soon as news came of his arrest, there were tons of newspaper articles professing how much Salman loves animals, and how he's being persecuted because of his celeb status. Now how many of us have the power to do that? Of course, he's free now.

And that considerable power not withstanding, why must we pick on poor Salman? Salman the animal lover owns several dogs (its amazing how constantly people harp on how owning dogs and cats makes someone animal lovers - and then they promptly go about and have a large piece of steak for dinner!) keeps pets in his farmhouse, including keeping protected animals (illegally). Even if he did poach, so what? Thousands of animals are poached in India every year, and only a few are ever caught and prosecuted.

But so what if there are thousands of poachers out there still scot-free? I know this one was caught. And since people in India love to emulate their celebrity role models, I'd like to see this notorious role model for how to consistently get away with defying the law, idling in jail. Nail him. Make an example of this chump. Yup, I lean towards the side of the Bishnois. History has showed that they've put down their lives protecting their environment and truly consider all of nature sacred. That if anything is an ideal worth holding sacred and worth protecting.

And now that he's free, I would consider it equal payback if the Bishnois hunted down Salman Khan in the streets of Mumbai, shot him down with an arrow or a bullet, knelt beside his struggling self and slit his throat in cold blood (just like he killed one of the Black Bucks) and walked away free. Since Salman is above the law so must his killer be. Thats fair.

B for Bictory. B for Bendetta. B for Bishnoi.

I'll leave you with a picture of Nanga Khan celebrating after his release. I poached this picture off Mid-Day's site . He would be so proud of me.

P.S. Is that Helen (the great, voluptuous, yesteryear vamp - now Salman's step-mom) up in the balcony with him? Hmm... a couple of decades ago, the crowds would have waited for her to do what her step-son's been busy doing here. Now... Ah well! Such is life!


Venky said...

I wish the Bishnoi woild hunt him down ... but then again - I wish the Bishnoi and others would hunt down all those other corrupt politicians as well ... at least Salman is not in the Lok Sabha making decisions for the rest of the country!
then again - I wish the Bishnoi don't waste their time killing Salman or anyone else - but go ahead and form a political party - win the elections and govern the district to able to protect their lands against all wannabe Salmans!

Sarat said...

Interesting - the idea about forming a political party that is. That would probably make some difference.

Sib said...

Taking it down (my previous comments)...for various reasons.

Sarat said...

Sib - no need to take it down if the reason was you thought it offended me or something. It didn't. The whatever was a reaction to the "trippiness" of your comment.

Speaking of feeling trippy, I was sorely tempted to buy wine late night at the Teeter getting a filter for my a/c (or so say we all males loitering about at the all night grocery store). Ok - so that's only going to take care of tipsy. Now, for the trippy part...