Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Night Skyline - Mumbai

A new look for this page - transitory it will be like most things. My absence is due to work. Loads of it. There is some kind of light at the end of the tunnel. But it's still a little ways to go. Will get there eventually.

I found this link with various images of different Mumbai skylines a few days ago. The link belongs to a forum for skyscraper aficianados called Skyscrapercity, and the topic is a view of the various Mumbai skylines at night-time. Some of the pictures are breathtaking, especially the ones posted by the user who goes by the name "Magestom". I have attached two of the several images from that site here.

With that, it's back to work for me though. Meanwhile, enjoy these pictures of my hometown.

(both pics courtesy: http://www.skyscrapercity.com)

1 comment:

raoul said...

I've always liked my skies with a tinge of purple. Or fuchsia.