Saturday, September 23, 2006

Fishing for Validation with Depravity as Bait

Not all depravity is humourless. In fact, I'd even say that most depravity is humourous. What's really funny, in a sad way, is a joke that's not very funny. Whats sad for me (and sadly or happily funny for you) is that I'm mouthing those unfunny jokes.

Cracking jokes is some kind of a validation trip. That validation is gained through the laughter we induce. The more maniacal the laughter, the more validated we feel. There's nothing more satisfying than a wise crack that gets a lot of laughs. Wit is a sign of intelligence, especially the ones we make on the fly. Or so we keep telling ourselves. So to prove our own intelligence to people around us, most of all to ourselves perhaps, we keep trying to get a witty comment in. When they laugh, it's like, "Wow! That went down well! I must be freakin' funny or something!"

Trouble is, wit is highly subjective. What's funny to me ain't necessarily funny to you. Some get it. Some don't. And there are some who pretend like they don't want to get it. But I have to say that getting it is a good thing. It's stress relieving. It's invigorating. It's tiring - but in a good way. Ok! I digressed from talking about getting jokes to getting some other "it".

See? That was another cheap attempt at humour. It's really sad how badly I want you to laugh at something that cheap. As the title says, I'm fishing for validation using depravity as bait. See how well I linked all that? Chalk coming up with stupid titles as another talent I have.


brij said...

You are right

Ketaki said...

I've lost count of how many times I've fished and been proven invalid. Lost count I tell ya...

Sarat said...

Raunchy crude jokes save the day for me. Turns out I'm far more depraved than those around me. Sorta like finding your true calling. :)

Sujith said...

Wah! Wah!

GG said...

Hey...thanks for the compliment :)
I'm taking my time to go through your posts and see which ones my feeble brain can decipher :p
Cool space though :-D