Wednesday, July 23, 2008

No... Please... Don't ...

The thing with blogs, for me, is that anyone with a semi-intelligent thought thinks they can and should blog/ write.

And thats a good thing and a bad thing. More often than not - it's a bad thing.

A friend of mine had similar thoughts about blogs and bloggers. She blogs/writes regularly - her blog being one of the few sites that I visit often enough and that I am happy to in the knowledge that I know the person behind the words. (Ok. Ok. Let's not go into what does "know a person" really mean.)

And off late, I've decided that I tend to agree with her. Sure, it's elitist to think that others shouldn't blog. And I hate to think I'm an elitist myself (I have the denial thing down pat, you see).

But I didn't always think that way before. I believed in the therapeutic abilities of writing and writing often. Perhaps still do. If people open up - maybe they can deal with their inner conflicts more rationally. Maybe they can deal with the stress of daily lives a little bit more easily. By writing a blog and letting people read what I've written, maybe it gives me a chance to let others learn something about me, as much as reading their blogs gives me a chance to learn about them.

So what if their blogs sound like the ruminations of a half-wit. So what if its so very painful to read them walk you through their most recent epiphany or self-realization (OK - so they're kinda the same thing - but what the heck!). And by painful - I don't mean in some emotional, "I feel your pain" kind of way - but painful as in "How is it even possible someone to write this crap?" way. And if I don't like what I see, I can choose to not go to their websites and ridicule their writing abilities and their acumen any more. That sounds simple - and fair.

But where's the fun in that? We've all grown up believing that the world is one unfair place - with one put-down after another lined up for us day after day after... Which makes it doubly fun to visit a half-wit's up and running blog and mock it - even if its to yourself. Nothing feels better after a put-down, than picking on someone else. I feel better after feeding the birds once in a while. And I feel better after putting someone down. It doesn't matter how I feel better - as long as I do.

I think it's OK to write. But if its on a blog, then its on there because you want others to read it. The "others" therefore are free to make up their own minds. If I don't like the way you write - I could choose to not visit it and ridicule it and enjoy putting you down to make up for my own insufficiences.

Or you could choose to not put it out there for me to read.

There. I just walked you through my most recent epiphany. That felt good. I feel better already.


raoul said...

Just for that I shall write a long, self-indulgent post and make you read it. Bloody elitist.

Venky said...

can one comment on elitist blogs ... or is that blasphemous
good to have you back ... one way or the other :D

Sarat said...

Raoul: "bloody elitist"? Let's not stoop down to name calling. Besides, you've got a long way to stoop down anways.

I'm still waiting for your self-indulgent post.

Venky: Yes you can comment on elitist blogs. Which one did you have in mind? ;)

Ravi said...

How is it even possible someone to write this crap?

Sarat said...

Ravi: My sentiments exactly!