Friday, June 06, 2008

Not Spanish is he?!

It's been a while since I've blogged. I've even forgotten how to do it. Not that I wrote anything of significance before anyways.

I guess its customary to apologize for absences. And I'll pretend I've had an audience that cared to visit my blog on the by and by and look it over for any new spiel, and who may have been affected (mostly positively I fear) by my hiatus. To them I apologize from the bottom of my heart. You chose to waste your precious free time by visiting my site - and then to your disappointment, ended up wasting a portion of your precious free time in looking for and not finding anything to waste it on. And that's criminal.

Conan O Brien's "Late Night with Conan O Brien" has a recurring segment called "Frankenstein wastes a minute of your time". Yeah well - "The Meltdown Chronicles" tries and wastes your time too. Except its not quite in the class as "Late Night with Conan O' Brien". But then - you've got to aim high - and you've also got to start somewhere - even if its a rather low place to start from.

Unlike me though, Raoul not only aims high(er), but sits on a higher plane to most us anyways. Already, he stands much taller than 95 99% of humanity (not neessarily a substantiated claim), as those of us who know him, or at least have seen him, will attest to. He's also just as taller , figuratively speaking, on account of his writing.

But if I have to nitpick (and since I can't help myself from doing so - I will do so) - there are two things going against him sadly.

The first is that, although he blogs a lot more frequently than say - someone like me - he's still not as prolific as he could/should be. Which means, not all your visits to his site are equally well-wasted. Not unless you don't mind re-reading his older material. I'm a fan of re-visitations myself actually - books, movies, music albums, googling for pictures of ex-flames, etc.. So - well - this one thing is not really half as bad as it could be.

The second (and far more graver) charge against Raoul is that his blog wastes your time almost too well. It's the quality of his writing. The whole wasting your time experience borders on not being wasted at all. And to me thats very sneaky.

I mean - here I am, not really minding my own business, trying to waste my time. But then, after visiting his blog and reading his latest material - I end up with this feeling somewhere deep inside that somehow I didn't actually waste my time on his blog. Because, I actually enjoyed my time reading through it.

Anyways - my point is - thats sneaky, Raoul. Very sneaky.

Give me back my precious free time so I can actually waste it - you bastard.

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